The rehras sahib is the evening prayer of the Sikhs. It is recited at the end of a working day. Its purpose is to add energy to one's being and living environments. It is intended to help with physical weakness and feelings of hopelessness, unsuccessfulness or worthlessness.
Rehiras Sahib: Five different Gurus contributed to the evening prayer Guru Nanak Dev Ji, Guru Amar Das Ji, Guru Ram Das Ji, Guru Arjan Dev ji and Guru Gobind Singh Ji. Each one enlightens another aspect of God.The Bayntee Chaopaee is Guru Gobind Singh Ji's personal prayer for protection and is said to liberate the soul. It is related to the element of water.
1. Rehras Sahib in Gurmukhi.
2. Rehras Sahib in English.
3. Rehras Sahib in Hindi.
4. Audio playback of Rehras Sahib with lyrics.
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The rehras sahib adalah doa malam Sikh. Hal ini dibacakan di akhir hari kerja. Tujuannya adalah untuk menambah energi untuk menjadi dan hidup lingkungan seseorang. Hal ini dimaksudkan untuk membantu dengan kelemahan fisik dan perasaan putus asa, ketidakberhasilan atau tidak berharga.
Rehiras Sahib: Lima Gurus yang berbeda berkontribusi pada malam doa Guru Nanak Dev Ji, Guru Amar Das Ji, Guru Ram Das Ji, Guru Arjan Dev ji dan Guru Gobind Singh Ji. Masing-masing menerangi aspek lain dari God.The Bayntee Chaopaee adalah doa pribadi Guru Gobind Singh Ji untuk perlindungan dan dikatakan untuk membebaskan jiwa. Hal ini terkait dengan unsur air.
1. Rehras Sahib di Gurmukhi.
2. Rehras Sahib dalam bahasa Inggris.
3. Rehras Sahib dalam bahasa Hindi.
4. Pemutaran audio dari Rehras Sahib dengan lirik.
Aplikasi ini gratis dan didukung oleh iklan.
The rehras sahib is the evening prayer of the Sikhs. It is recited at the end of a working day. Its purpose is to add energy to one's being and living environments. It is intended to help with physical weakness and feelings of hopelessness, unsuccessfulness or worthlessness.
Rehiras Sahib: Five different Gurus contributed to the evening prayer Guru Nanak Dev Ji, Guru Amar Das Ji, Guru Ram Das Ji, Guru Arjan Dev ji and Guru Gobind Singh Ji. Each one enlightens another aspect of God.The Bayntee Chaopaee is Guru Gobind Singh Ji's personal prayer for protection and is said to liberate the soul. It is related to the element of water.
1. Rehras Sahib in Gurmukhi.
2. Rehras Sahib in English.
3. Rehras Sahib in Hindi.
4. Audio playback of Rehras Sahib with lyrics.
This app is free and supported by ads.